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Start current test of xenon lamp & halogen lamp

The start current is different for xenon lamp and halogen lamp to decide .

1、55w halogen lamp :For a cold start, the current as 30A(could create a controlled amount of surge current. various interface no time to generate heat. so The system with cooling device can prevent the lamp from damage.
2、55w halogen lamp :For warm start:the current as 10A(The duration of execution is short).

3、55w halogen lamp :normal operation current was 4.5A-5A .

4、35w xenon lamp :For a cold start, the current as 7A( The designer was specifically to adopt low currnet, ) the duration of execute for one second , then the current was descending in 1~5 seconds.

5、35w xenon lamp :For warm start:the current as 5A,7A,10A.

6、35w xenon lamp :normal operation current was 3.3A .

Testing equipment and measuring instrument of LED source

Testing equipment and measuring instrument of LED source
With the development of science and technology, the led source is changing rapidly.the led source aroused great attention because of its incomparable advantages compared with traditional light device. has a higher luminance, cheaper and lower-powered devices,long service time.
Since the above-mentioned characteristics of led source. Different with the traditional method of the here we have testing equipment for led source. let’s look at how test that led source.

  High power led modules connect

Test system

Acrylics Curing adhesive and ultraviolet rays source

Acrylics Curing adhesive and ultraviolet rays source
Since the appearance of the uv curing adhesive ,people began to using and research it .which they reckons is a good start. in currently , the curing adhesive is widely applied to many fields, especially in high technology product field. such as :Mobile phone button assembly 、optical product production、electric border product、The curing adhesive is so obviously useful but it will needs a assistant. this assistant name is ultraviolet curing . the source of curing lamp have different kinds of light source. they are the respective: Low pressure mercury lamp, uv led strip, mercury lamp, medium voltage high pressure mercury lamp, xenon lamp, metal halide lamp , and Pole lamp. the uv led strip is one of them, it is cheap and easy to put up. By design, it is easy to install, configure, and manage. the wavelength of uv lamp is usually created under 340~380nm . so they can acquire widely applications in Curing operation(especially in adhesive curing).

Talk about the LED Silicon chip

Talk about the LED Silicon chip

LED(light emitting Diode)is electronic component. the led application to light project.Another led that The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet.(such as uv led strip). We argue that regardless of the type of led, they are have a import port—- LED Silicon chip.
*Base on component
GaP、GaAS 、 GaAlP、InGaAlP and nitrogen Silicon chip

*Base on wavelength
Infrared rays、Red、Orange、Yellow、Green、Bluled-silicon-chipe and ultraviolet full wavelength

*Base on size
12mil 、13mil 、14mi l 、15mil、 20mil 、28mil 、40mil、6X8mil、10X12mil.

Changing The shape of LED Silicon chip and optical emission are changing

Ultraviolet rays application for aquarium

Ultraviolet rays application for aquarium
Objective To know the germicidal efficacy of the uv led strip produced by ozone disinfection machine in order to provide scientific base for rational use of ozone disinfection machine.

There are have two kind of uv led in aquarium, they are the respective 185nm wavelength and 254nm wavelength . the 185nm wavelength uv led can’t operating on aquarium for long time,

it is fitting for initiation Disinfection. because the 185nm wavelength led car battery at work time generates less ozone. the uv led is generated by the circulation of CO .Without treatment of ozone, CO and so on loop produced by the technology will lead to the second-pollution to aquarium environment. the wavelength can kill this EM bacterium.
Other wavelength as 254nm , it is the opposite effect to EM bacterium, we can recycle what we using the 254nm uv led to sterilize . The wavelength Design Program & Operation on Submerged disinfection is good choice.


The ultraviolet rays Handler to process the sterilization

The ultraviolet rays Handler to process the sterilization .

The DNA are especially vulnerable in wavelength 200-290mm. so the uv led strip with wavelength 200-290mm can control special hereditary phenomenon and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) through of Bacteria or viruses .( In the biological treatment systems, different kinds of microbes ‘growing and metabolizing need necessary elements including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and so on, also need microelement including Fe Na and so on) the way can make Bacteria or viruses lose nutrient supply and their ability to reproduce., They were more weak and also enjoyed lower fertility .we will effect my purpose.

Due to various microorganism has varying levels of sensitivity. for ultraviolet rays. base on Bacillus strain(B.subtlis)we make experiments showed that Its bactericidal rate was 99.5% on D 10= mw.s/cm 2 (exposure).

Ultraviolet rays indices

Ultraviolet rays indices

The sun’s ultraviolet rays and uv led strip light (uv led strip generated light)is not only different
the sun’s ultraviolet also radiates ultraviolet and infrared light.
The sun’s ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning. this may have influenced your body. please note: we followed some effective method are adopted to control the ultraviolet rays process of developing base on table of Ultraviolet rays indices as follows:

*0-2 1 weakest safest in the level. so can’t using any prophylactic measures .

*3-4 2 weak     normal in the level. the man should have glasses which filter out UV rays

5-6 3 middle this close attention in the level. We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution in the level. in addition glasses and crash helmets., we are should use sunscreens.

7-9 4 strong Avoid surface exercise and strenuous exercise in the time am 10:00 to pm 16:00,

10 5 strongest we have forbidden any surface activity in the level. take certain safety protection measures if we needed to get guys out on the level.

In safety level,Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine could be the best medicine.

The penetration of infrareds

The penetration of infrareds
Just like sound propagation (Low-frequency sound propagation in the air, the air molecule vibration is small, the friction is slower, less energy consumption, so distant spread, transparent and full of vitality.) The penetration of infrared wave has an feature: The infrared wavelength will be reverberation, refract or absorption when wavelength is short than Obstacle. The infrared wavelength is a continuation of penetration(wave got round the penetration) when infrared wavelength is big than Obstacle.
These two examples duplicate each other.
1、Studies show that infrared wavelength quickly permeates plastic packaging material. the visible light was the same. Because of the infrared wavelength is big that visible light wavelength .when the visible light can’t cross Obstacle, the infrared wavelength still less penetrating  Obstacle .
2、Due to the infrared wavelength(0.78nm-1000nm) is also relatively long . the water droplets suspending in cloud are often larger than the infrared wavelength . so the infrared wavelength were able to bypass their .

Understanding of ultraviolet light

                     Understanding of ultraviolet light

Ever day we can gain The forecast for ultraviolet rays index from meteorological department. This is precisely the time when we need to be more vigilant and more aggressive in our actions to
took some measures to solve the prophylactic wrok according to ultraviolet rays index. But in here we are believe that the ultraviolet is not useless. some people using ultraviolet light to help them finish work. the uv led strip generate ultraviolet light to server for human beings .
But beyond that base on ultraviolet rays index , we might want to consider handing this overuse shone and caught the ultraviolet light. at time we will have a try to make good use of ultraviolet rays for the appropriate period. the intensity of ultraviolet rays is variety in whole day, we will pay attention to that 10.30am-3.00pm. But it is not so absolute because different climate changes can get a different ultraviolet rays index .

Appraisal Scheelite with uv led

Appraisal Scheelite with uv led

The Scheelite is A heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; so it is also often very valuable to the application support process.

In currently , there are has find more than 3,000 kinds of mineral in earth. Meanwhile over 500 kind of mineral is detectable by uv led strip. Different wavelength of uv led strip can generates
enormous amounts of fluorescence. Appraisal Scheelite which is an important area of research . A study on the chemical composition of mineral can know that different mineral can generates different color fluorescence. So the uv led strip is import tools for test mineral .it also is good friend of mineral Collectors.
the below picture show that scheelite stone generates blue fluorescence under ultraviolet light irradiation.