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Application Notes When fitting the ir led strip

Application Notes When fitting the ir led strip:  the matters should be paid attention to: nfrared light strip should be kept clean, good condition,especially in the front part of ir led strip can not exist like dirty contaminants, more not by friction damage, otherwise, the led will produce a reflection and scattering phenomenon from the infrared light strip, affect the infrared communication directly.

  • Tools / raw material - Ir led strip
    in the course of ir led strip’work the parameters are not allowed to exceed the limit, and therefore the selection should be noted that when the substitution model and parameters of the original pipe, can not easily replace. Further, any change can not be the current limiting resistor of ir led strip

    • 2.2

    Because of the range of infrared wavelengths very wide, the led infrared light  must use paired with infrared receiving diode, otherwise it will affect the remote control sensitivity,
    and even cause loss of control.Therefore in the replacement selection, must be attention to the emission wavelength of infrared signal.

    • 3.3

    The packaging(smt package) material hardness of ir led strip is low,so the high temperature performance is worse,
    to avoid damage to joints should be away from the root of the day pin, welding temperature is not too high, not too long time more,

Infrared light uses–The data of Infrared light emitting diode

Infrared light usesThe data of Infrared light emitting diode 

Many kinds of the light emitting element in markey,
according to the spectrum can be divided into a light emitting element and a visible light to infrared light emitting element 
In the practice, introduces to the infrared ray emitting element, gallium arsenide(GaAs) is based on the infrared emitting two Polar tube (also known as infrared emitting diode) as the main body,  to describes the basic characteristics and application circuit of ir led.(a), basic characteristics
1 current voltage characteristics
The circuit symbol and the electrical characteristic curve of infrared light emitting diode , as shown in figure

1. Anode (P pole) Power Positive empty into the Positive voltage, the cathode (N-pole) applying a negative voltage,.  at this time and voltage diode forward voltage, but also produce Forward current, diode emits
Data of Infrared light emitting diodebeam energy emitting infrared provides, the lightconditions and general hair Light emitting diode (LED), but the infrared is not general Body voltge of Gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode is about to be 1V, and voltage of red luminescence gallium quality diode is 1.8V;  voltage of green luminescence gallium quality diode is 2V. After empty into the voltage exceeds the basic voltage, current is rising rapidly, The starting voltage influence of diode is also great by the surrounding temperature, when the temperature is higher, will make the cut in voltage value decrease, on the contrary,The starting voltage is reduced.—Infrared light emitting diode working in reverse voltage, only a small leakage current, but the reverse voltage exceeds the collapse When the voltage collapse, will immediately generate a lot of current, will make the element burnout, general infrared diode reverse voltage Value is about 3~6V,  when in use, try to avoid this happening.

infrared light uses--Data of Infrared light emitting diode1

infrared light uses–Data of Infrared light emitting diode1

The principle and characteristics of the infrared light emitting diode

The principle and characteristics of the infrared light emitting diode

Classification: knowledge | electronic components report | namesubscription

Light is an electromagnetic  wave, its wavelength range from several nanometers(1nm=10-9m) to 1 mm (about mm). Visible only a part of them, which we call visible light, range of visible light wavelength is 380nm ~ 780nm, visible from long to short wavelength is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, violet  wave length than known as the short wavelength ultraviolet light, longer than infrared light is called infrared light.Spectral characteristics of ordinary black and white CCD camera can feel the light, it can not only feel the visible light, and the infrared light can be felt. This is the use of CCD camera, the basic principle of  CCD camera can be more economical to achieve the vision cooperation with the ir infrared light .  The  Instead of spectral characteristics of ordinary color camera can’t feel infrared light, and therefore can not be used for night vision.Infrared led  divide into  semiconductor solid light (infrared emission tubes) infrared light and heat radiation of infraredd light,according to the infrared radiation mechanism .
Its principle and characteristics are as follows:
Theory and the characteristics of  infrared emitting diode (LED)Infrared light emitting diode array is composed of two  the luminous components .The infrared emission level two tube infrared radiation from the high efficiency ofmaterial (often made of PN junction GaAs GaAs), empty the forward bias injection current into the PN junction and infrared light of excitation. The central wavelength of spectral power distribution as 830 ~ 950nm,the bandwidth of  half peak as about 40nm, it is a narrowband distributed, just  the CCD  camera can feel range. Its biggest advantage is completely without red storm, (with 940nm ir led ~ 950nm wavelength infrared tube) or only has faint red storm (red storm for visible light) and long life.

The work principle of the photo electric sensor (principle of infrared led sensor)

The work principle of the photo electric sensor (principle of infrared led sensor)
The ir led sensor is made by change of light intensity converted into the electrical signal and to achieve control of other device。in general the ir led sensor are divided into: transmitter receiver and detection circuitThe transmitter emits a light beam to the target, In generally the beam of light emitted from the semiconductor light source, such as light emitting diode (LED), laser diodes and infrared emitting diode(ir led). Beam launch continuously, or change the pulse width. The receiver has a photodiode, a photoelectric triode, light battery. In front of the receiver, with optical components such as lenses and aperture etc.. Behind of the detection circuit, it can filter out the effective signal and the application of the signal.In addition, the structural of the photoelectric switch has transmitter board and the optical fiber.Triangle reflecting plate is launching device firm structure. It consists of a triangularrcone reflecting material is very small, can make the beam accurately returned from thereflecting plate, has the practical significance. It can be in the 0 to 25 range and the optical axis changing emission angle, so that the beam is almost the rays from a root,after reflection, it’s will be returns from the roots of anti ray.Classification and working style

⑴    The tank type photoelectric sensor

A light emitter and a receiver face to face arranged on both sides of a groove is a groove shape photoelectric. Light emitting device emits infrared or visible light, in the absence of resistance under the condition of light receiver can receive the light. But when the  detected object go through the groove and the light is blocked, the photoelectric switch action. The output a signal of switch control, switching on and off load current, thus completing a control action. The  detection distance of groove shaped switch just only has only a few centimeters. Be case of the structure.
The correlation type ir led sensor

If the light emitting device and receiving device is separated, can make the detection distance is increased. By a light emitting device and a light receiving device is composed of a photoelectric switch is called a shot of the separation type photoelectric switch, referred to as the opposite type photoelectric switch. Its detection distances of up to a few meters or even tens of meters. When using the light emitting device and a light receiving device are arranged in the detected object through the path on both sides respectively, detection through to block the light path, a light receiving device will be output a switch control signal.

The reflection type ir led switchThe light emitting device and a light receiving device in a device, mount a reflecting plate in front of it, complete the photoelectric control function  using the reflection principle,this is called reflection plate type (or mirror reflection type photoelectric switch). Under normal circumstances,

The receiver  receiving the lights from the emitting device with the reflected light plate; once the object to be detected is blocked, the light receiving device receives no light, a photoelectric switch on the action, the output a signal of switch control.

Characteristic of infrared light led(2)

The electrical properties of infrared light emitting diode -

Infrared light emitting diode is 3mm in diameter, 5mm is a small power infrared, diameter is 8mm, 10mm is a medium power and high-power transmitting tubes. Small power transmitting tube forward voltage: 1.1-1.5V, current: 20mA. In power transmitting tube forward voltage: 1.4-1.65V, current between 50-100mA.  High power transmitting tube forward voltage as 1.5-1.9V, current between 200- 350mA 。use ir strip wavelength: 980nm, 940nm,880nm, 850nm, 870Nnm in general.
the relationship between infrared emission tube Power and infrared emission tube wavelength is: 850nm>880nm>940nm. Infrared light emitting diode –principle
The infrared light emitting diode principle is the method of infrared emitting and receiving, can be divided into two types, one is the direct type, two is a reflective.
refers to a light-emitting tube and receiver tube placed in opposite ends of a controlled substance with the launch .the middle of a certain distance. Infrared light emitting diode reflection type refers to the light emitting tube and a receiving tube tied together, usually receiving tube operation always without light, the luminous tube to emit infrared light encounters reflector, infrared ray receiving reflected back to work. The use of dual infrared emission circuit , can increase the transmission power to a great extent, increase the emission distance of led infrared.

Infrared light emitting diode - distance

Infrared light emitting diode radiation has a very strong when in use, depending on the optical axis distance varies,  due to the different light-receiving element and the distance change,the amount of change in infrared light-emitting diode light receiving element between the incident light and the infrared LED showed a certain characteristic inversely as the square of light to measure the distance.  To control the corresponding controlled device with emitting infrared, the distance between the control and the emission power is proportional. In order to increase the distance of the actual control of infrared, infrared emitting diode in a pulse state during,  between the effective transmission distance and pulse peak current is proportional to control the pulsating light.

Infrared led light emitting diode application
Infrared light emitting diode in daily use, some TV infrared remote control, The work pulse duty cycle of infrared LED between about 1 / 3-1 / 4, the infrared remote control of electrical equipment, the duty ratio is: 1/10. In use, the pulse duty cycle can be reduced if a small-power infrared light-emitting diodes on the transmission range greatly increased.
Common infrared light-emitting diodes, the power divided into small power: between 1mW-10mW, the power: between 20mW-50mW,
high power 50mW-100mW above three categories. The above is specific introduction of the infrared light emitting diodes, hoping to serve as a reference.

Characteristic of infrared light led(1)

Characteristic of ir led emitter

With the progress of science and technology, the level of industrialization has also been improved, now high-tech products have been used widely, we believe that for infrared emitting diode will not be unfamiliar, infrared emitting diode that is capable of emitting infrared diode, the more common is applied to remote control and other occasions. Is widely used in our daily life, here we will to recognize the infrared light emitting diode model and the principle of work, hoping to serve as a reference.the shape of the infrared light-emitting diodes and light-emitting diode (LED) is very similarto emit infrared light. Infrared light emitting diode in the pipe pressure drop is 1.4V, operating current of less than 20mA. Infrared light-emitting diodes are designed to adapt to different working voltage, the circuit is often with the limited resistor. Infrared light-emitting diodes emit infrared to control the controlled device controlled device emits infrared light, corresponding to achieve the purpose of control. The following we will be familiar with the infrared emitting diode models and principles described.
 Application Parameter:
Infrared light-emitting diodes are made of high efficiency infrared radiation material PN junction,to stimulate the infrared.Infrared light when inject current to bias the infrared. Infrared light emitting diode spectral power distribution as the center wavelength of 830~ 950nm, half peak bandwidth around 40nm. Infrared light emitting diode in use, the biggest advantage is that you can complete without red storm, or only faint red storm so that its life is greatly prolonged, the light is an electromagnetic wave, the wave length range from several nanometers to about 1 mm. In our daily lives to see only one part, called the visible light wavelength range is 380nm ~ 780nm.

Talk about function of ir infrared

Talk about function of ir infrared
Infrared lamp are widely used in industrial heating or drying process, such as surface automotive, plastics, printing, glass, textile, food, metal parts, circuit boards packaging, film and electronic neighborhood and other heating and drying curing process.
1 paint and drying of printing ink;
2 plastic softening and melting; 3 PETP bottle blowing, blowing two times;
4 The heating sterilization;
5 In wood drying before painting;
6 Oven with industrial production;
7 The semiconductor factory and micro electronics factory;
8 car paint room by infrared heating lamp;
9 The food heating and thermal insulation;
10 chemical reactions, heat draw shrinkage;
11 Make the paper drying in The paper mill ;
12 epiphytic reaction;
13 beauty instrument and health care with infrared physiotherapy; 14 dedicated near infrared far infrared heating lamp in shoe machine; 15  film laminating machine dedicated infrared lamp;
16 The wave soldering, reflow soldering equipment with ir infrared; 17 heat brooding with ir infrared . Let us sum up the ir Infrared:ir Infrared heating effect in industry is used for heating, shaping, drying and curing, food The ir Infrared is divided into two quarters: far ir infrared and near ir infrared ,which is the radiation intensity is greater than the former.

ir infrared and Bluetooth

ir infrared and Bluetooth
Before we get to that, however, let’s talk about the ir infrared
The three bands of ir infrared divided by the atmosphere as follows:

Near-infrared band of 1 to 3 um

In 3 ~ 5 um infrared band

Far infrared wave band of 8 ~ 14 um

According to the infrared spectrum is divided into:

Near infrared wave band of 1 ~ 3 um

In 3 ~ 40 um infrared band

Far infrared wave band of 40 ~ 1000 um

In the field of medicine is often so division:

Near infrared region from 0.76 to 3 um

Mid infrared region from 3 to 30 um

Far infrared region from 30 to 1000 um

The difference between the infrared and Bluetooth

1.The  distance

Infrared: alignment, direct, 1 - 2 metres, one on one

Bluetooth: 10 meters, can strengthen the signal, can not bending, alignment, can be in the same room, the maximum number of links up to 7hardware.

2 The industry

Infrared: very popular

Bluetooth: preliminary application

3 speed

Infrared: fast

Bluetooth: slow

4 security

Infrared: no difference

Bluetooth: encryption

5 of the cost of

Infrared: Low

Bluetooth: High

ir infrared is Important role in the touch screen

ir infrared is Important role in the touch screen  

The 808nm200mw far ir infrared light covered the full touch screen, the laser red outside thickness probably about 2mm, fingers or other objects close to the touch screen,ir infrared form infrared plane are reflected, forming a bright spot, the tip of the finger will be infrared point is displayed. The infrared camera to capture these bright spots, and pass a pictures of screen to the computer, computer processing and analysis of these images, identify the touch event and the position, and then call the corresponding instruction, provide feedback, and produce a new image, and then the new image onto the projection soft screen through the projector projection.

Infrared plays a major role in people’s life.

Infrared led plays an important part in people’s life.
Therapeutic effect with infrared 

Infrared can improve blood circulation, increase phagocytosis, reduce swelling, promote inflammation dissipated, the treatment of chronic inflammation.

More infrared everyday applications

Infrared applications in daily life is also very extensive, high-temperature sterilization, monitoring equipment, the phone’s infrared port, the hotel door cards, TV remote control, However,
But the broader ir led market in the us appears brighter.
,other words ,it already has success in the app space.