ultraviolet led and ultraviolet lamp

ultraviolet led and ultraviolet lamp

The ultraviolet has an advantages than ultraviolet lamp .the most import point that ultraviolet is cold led resource . and it not have thermal radiation . can effectively solve the problem in traditional hot injured .the ultraviolet is particularly well suited for Liquid crystal edge printing and film printing . and the ultraviolet led source send out ultraviolet ray by what is a high-purity and single wavelength ultraviolet light source. there is absolutely no radiates any infrared light . so the ultraviolet was real cold light source .

Wavelength Pluse and Wavelength Dominant

Wavelength Pluse and Wavelength Dominant
Wavelength Pluse and Wavelength Dominant that’s the big difference.Before you know it, we should have come to know WL. what is WL? WL is “WL” is the abbreviation of “Wavelength”

Wavelength Pluse mean the most strong radiation power correspond to wavelength on Luminescence Spectra.

Wavelength Dominant was the strongest predictor wavelength of human eye on Luminescence Spectra.

The profile of UVA、UVB、UVC、UVD

The profile of UVA、UVB、UVC、UVD
The individual wavelength within the ultraviolet light are believed to have an effect on health. the ultraviolet ray divided into four set of wavelength base on different effects of biological.
The UVA is long wavelength ,wavelength is nm between 320~400,also call long wavelength black spit effects of ultraviolet ray. the UVA with the powerful penetrating. the glowing uv led strip showed that the rays could pass not only through grass but also through nine feet of water .
The UVB is middle wave ,wavelength is nm between 275~320,also call middle wave red spit effects of ultraviolet ray. the UVA with the middle penetrating. it only a fraction of the ultraviolet light through grass.
The UVC is short wave ,wavelength is nm between 200~275,also call
short wave sterilization of ultraviolet ray. the UVA without penetrating(or weak penetrating). the ultraviolet light can’t through grass.

Infrared heating transmitted the energy

Infrared heating transmitted the energy
The waves of ir led strip can transport both energy . we have seen how to deal with energy using infrared led.
The energy that atoms and molecules can cause to move or shake by heating.
the atoms and molecules doesn’t only contain  degrees of freedom . it also include that heating of the vibrational degrees of freedom. vibration intensified of the atoms and molecules when it temperature increase with pressurethe wavelength of vibrational happened to be in the Infrared range 。In addition, the thermal effects of Infrared mean this frequences equals or is close to the frequences of Infrared, it can cause resonance, meanwhileInfrared which transmits energy by impact.According to the above-mentioned principle ,we now understand that
resonance production of infrared heat effect 。