How Are led power supply Classified?

How Are led power supply Classified?

The led power supply are drive methods in sorts

Constant current mode:

*This is the best drive way on the led power supply, The chief objection to this drive way is prices higher.
*In load circuit, Circuit of Constant current can supportshort circuit, A ban on stuck-open.
*We know law of energy conservation. According to law of energy conservation that current output is constant in current output mode. the output voltage which change with current is large enough.
*In Constant current mode there is a minimum LED number limit. Echo led power supply has maximal loading capacity of current & voltage .

Constant voltage mode:
*Output voltage is fixed when determination of the constant voltage control circuit parameters. The law of energy conservation same will apply in constant voltage mode. the output current which change with output voltage is large enough.
*In load circuit, Circuit of Constant voltage can support stuck-open, A ban on short-open.
*The voltage changes will influence brightness in the LED after rectification
*Configure the appropriate to Control of the Uniformity of Luminance of LED in constant voltage mode