The relations between led current and light intensity

The relations between led current and light intensity

The LED can be produced without light For the under led forward voltage.

To Input forward voltage for LED, it will be produced light.

In an ideal status, they have the proportional relationship. But bright of led increase and temperature also increase . along with temperature increase and might damage led .

Led light theory: led light refer to Transition of electrons from the high-energy state to a low-energy state . then release by Photons(Photons have no mass — they are weightless).

The led will be light When input voltage is big than forward voltage. On the contrary the led can be produced without light.

When the voltage is big that forward voltage, the electronics quantity in high-energy state, that means current. So the current are increasing the photons will increase. But the transition rate(Quantum effects) not even be 100% . portion of current can be transition of temperature . the question of temperature could not resolve in a timely manner, it can be damage led chip. So led continuous increasing current or it not only causes led damage(base on Quantum effects).