Appraisal Scheelite with uv led

Appraisal Scheelite with uv led

The Scheelite is A heavy gray-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; so it is also often very valuable to the application support process.

In currently , there are has find more than 3,000 kinds of mineral in earth. Meanwhile over 500 kind of mineral is detectable by uv led strip. Different wavelength of uv led strip can generates
enormous amounts of fluorescence. Appraisal Scheelite which is an important area of research . A study on the chemical composition of mineral can know that different mineral can generates different color fluorescence. So the uv led strip is import tools for test mineral .it also is good friend of mineral Collectors.
the below picture show that scheelite stone generates blue fluorescence under ultraviolet light irradiation.