The profile of UVA、UVB、UVC、UVD

The profile of UVA、UVB、UVC、UVD
The individual wavelength within the ultraviolet light are believed to have an effect on health. the ultraviolet ray divided into four set of wavelength base on different effects of biological.
The UVA is long wavelength ,wavelength is nm between 320~400,also call long wavelength black spit effects of ultraviolet ray. the UVA with the powerful penetrating. the glowing uv led strip showed that the rays could pass not only through grass but also through nine feet of water .
The UVB is middle wave ,wavelength is nm between 275~320,also call middle wave red spit effects of ultraviolet ray. the UVA with the middle penetrating. it only a fraction of the ultraviolet light through grass.
The UVC is short wave ,wavelength is nm between 200~275,also call
short wave sterilization of ultraviolet ray. the UVA without penetrating(or weak penetrating). the ultraviolet light can’t through grass.