The CIE system characterizes

The CIE system characterizes
The CIE system characterizes define that standard Illuminants(user can compare light source standard of color). with it make a clear understand of this relationship of the difference between color. if deep researcher that nature color. there are have countless color in nature(has countless wavelength from 380nm to 770nm) ..and echo color has countless level of light brightness. All this information had to be display to user with diagram. this diagram call CIE system characterizes diagram.
CIE diagram
This is the difference between the actual performance of the CIE diagram, you can clear the domain.

Other key work is that there are has six different triangle in diagram . they means six different standard . “sRGB、AdobeRGB and ProPhotoRGB” the three kind of standard is import for your led project.
CIE diagram1

Final , we to use real objects to find more information for you .
CIE diagram2