LED malfunction

LED malfunction
In the led market and the continuous development in the run-in, step by step toward maturity. service time is one of the emphases for research.We also encountered these problems(light malfunction) during use. the so called” LED malfunction ” the meaning is –led isn’t working. for the reason we must study that light malfunction phenomenon. this might help led factor overcome light malfunction phenomenon. and improved led quality .now! through analysis and summarizing on the process of light malfunction as follows:

Welding line crack
When we meeting “LED malfunction”,now we think we know where we’re going. first we should know that it’s short circuit or open circuit?. if there are open circuit. this is typically  characterised by open circuit(In the inner control loop is crack). this is familiar reason for led malfunction. the most common 5 locate for led malfunction—please see follows pic A、B、C、D、E
LED malfunction