The quality of led

The quality of led

Good quality is the critical success factor of LED. How distinguishes the led quality?

1、Led chip:LED chip is just one component of led, but it’s a very important one. the quality of led determines led luminance and luminous degradation (luminous output degradation of the 2500 hours is less than 4%~5% in good quality).good quality led not only has high luminance but also has low luminous output degradation.
2、Light efficiency:light efficiency means a high luminance in the same business functionality. becuase the smaller the power consume is, the more likely it is to achieve save power. the coherence of led color temperature is getting better ,the more the led price.
3、Led power supply: led power supply quality have become key issues in this area. led power factor guarantee that it reach over 0.9.the process of the key
working procedure guarantee ability, constantly improving the quality of led.
4、The condition of heat disspated:
*heat disspated materials
*heat disspated struction