How to selecting the suitable led for your project

How to selecting the suitable led for your project

LED is a solid state semiconductor device. it can transform electrical energy to light energy directly. The led is a most popular light device. the follow topic will introduces parameters of led and the skill in selecting led.

LED characters

*Voltage- The input value of led is in low voltage, the range of input voltage between 2v to 4v, this is safety voltage for user, so it is appropriate for public place.
*Currently-Work currently from 0mA to 15mA, as the work currently increase gradually , and led has more bright
*Efficiency- the consumer energy was decrease eighty percent than tradition lamp.
*Appropriate- the led sharp is square with 3mm or 5mm, so the led appropriate for complex environment.
*Responsible time, The responsible time of tradition lamp is m second , the led responsible time is n second.
*Friend environment – The led has not harmful metals

The selecting in led skills

* The price is different when led bright is different
* Anti-static electrical capacity – The led has strange capacity for anti static electrical, so it has long server time. The led can use for lighting design when the anti static electrical reached to 700V
*Wavelength – The standard wavelength require . the price as growth when the customer is going to buy some led with same color
*Leak current ,The led woke at fore-ware voltage, it will make leak currently when the led woke at reveres voltage, the leak currently will effects server time of led.