Led Fiber optic light source machine

                             Led Fiber optic light source machine
To illustrate the performance of light source generator

Light machine is specially designed for a luminous body fiber optic lighting , is to provide a light source for the optical fiber, the light emitted by the optical fiber, the color transformation, the light source machine provide color transform method。According to the power output,can be divided into big light source machine (above 150w—250w) and small light source machine (below 9w—100w). According to the output color transform the way divided into a synchrotron light source machine (2 pcs or more than 2 pcs light machine output of light color, the rate of transform, and a consistent transform way, achieve synchronization output) and non synchronized light machine (2 pcs or more than 2 pcs light machine output of light color, the rate of transform the way out is not synchronization).

1,Light source machine

1)the light source machine adopts 150W or 250W metal halide discharge lamp lighting, to ensure that the brightness of the light source and the use of life (lamp services time 6000 hours)

2) synchrotron light source machine adopts a stepping motor is controlled by a controller。Then according to the needs of the speed and the transport mode to achieve the color changing time, speed control by the control motor

3, synchrotron light source machine can receive DMX-512 signal, the 512 console sends commands to control the operation of the light source. In order to achieve synchronous operation of the machine。 Can also control 2 pcs – more than 2 pcs machines to do different mode of operation (operation of the motor speed, can according to their own way  –customer define  required)Can also be based on the synchrotron light source machine self programmed to operate, can make any a machine is designed to host, for the rest of the sub machine from the host to send the command operation, to achieve the synchronization effect. of cause Each machine can be host, this time the machine only according to its own command operation does not receive any external command. (motor running speed. Can according to the machine set good program to select). no synchronous motor is a synchronous motor per minute 2.5 — 0.8 rpm.

4, non machine is the use of synchronous motor 2.5—0.8 rpm per minute. In a clockwise direction at a constant speed operation.

2, the small light source machine

1) the small light source is the use of 35W or 50W halogen lamp.

2) a small light source are no synchronous machine currently (will be the production of synchronous machine in the future)。 And large source without synchronous machine is same it also used as 2.5 – 0.8 RPM synchronous motor.

3, the machine effective spot light source in a less than φ25。 With fiber optic data are as follows:

1) φ18 -φ14, the side optical fiber light source the best with only a root (up to 60 meters). A maximum of 2 roots (30 meters). End of light can take 2 roots.

2) φ10 side optical fiber each light source can bring 4 root.

3) φ2.2 each end of the optical fiber light source with a honeycomb head can take 169 root 300-400 can take root at special circumstances。

4)φ1.0 each end of the optical fiber light source with a honeycomb head can take 169 root 300-400 can take root at special circumstances。

5)φ0.75 bare fiber each light source can take 800-900 roots.