Introduction and application of plant growth lamps LED

Plants need sun exposure to grow lush more. Light on the growth of plants is the role of promoting plant chlorophyll absorption. But modern science can make plants grow better in a place where there is no sun, people grasp the inherent principles that plants have any requirements ask solar. the sun’s rays is photon excitation after the energy supply process. Create artificial light source also allows plants to complete the photosynthetic process, modern horticulture or plant in the facility combines fill technology or completely artificial light technology. The scientists found that the efficiency curve of blue zone and red area is very close to the plant photosynthesis, is the best source for plant general red and blue LED ratio of LED plant light between 4:1–9:1 is appropriate, usually optional 6-9:1. use plant lamp as plant growth, leaf height general distance is 0.5 meters, daily exposure to 12-16 hours can completely replace the sun continuously. the effect is very significant, grow faster is fast 3 times than general natural plant growth,To solve the lack of sunlight in greenhouse, promote chlorophyll, anthocyanin and carrots needed Plant Photosynthesis Pigment in early 20%, the vegetables and the time of harvest, increased from 3 to 5 into production, more to improve vegetable and fruit sweetness and reduce insect pests.LED plant growth led  is a new type of plant growth light, after testing, plant light wavelength is very suitable for plant growth, flowering, results. Plant growth lamp adopt international leading semiconductor lighting principle, high precision technology products dedicated to the flower and vegetable production, the general the plant flowers on indoor, always getting worse, the main reason is the lack of light, the desired spectrum by LED light irradiation for plants, not only can promote  In its growth, but also to extend the flowering period, improve the quality of flowers. Such as the life period of only one or two days to flower, in the LED lamp irradiation, flowering period can be extended to 10-20 days. Through the application of the test, plant light wavelength is very suitable for the growth of the plant, blossom, results.