Infrared machine

Infrared thermal imager adopt the infrared detectors, optical imaging lens and the light machine scanning system (currently advanced focal plane technology is eliminating ray scanning system) accept the measured target infrared radiation energy distribution pattern reflects to the light sensitive element infrared detector, between the optical system and the infrared detector, has a scanning mechanism (without this mechanism for FPA thermal imagers) scanning for infrared thermal image of the measured object, and focusing on the unit or the light detector, by infrared radiation detector will be converted into electrical signals via amplified processed, converted or standard video signals are displayed on TV screen or monitor infrared thermography.This heat distribution field map and object surface its corresponding; essentially thermal infrared radiation measured by each part of the target object is very weak,compared with the visible image, the lack of hierarchy and three-dimensional sense, therefore,
in the actual course of action to target more effectively determine the measured infrared thermal distribution field, often using some auxiliary measures to increase the instrument’s useful features, such as image brightness, contrast control, solid standard correction, pseudo-color rendering and other technologiesThe infrared thermal imager is generally divided into scanning imaging system and non scanning imaging system. Scanning imaging system adopt unit or multiple photoconductive semiconductor or photovoltaic infrared detector, slow speed by unit detector, mainly frames response time is not fast enough, multi detector array can be made high-speed and real-time thermal imager. Thermography non scanning imaging, such as focal plane array launched in recent years staring imaging surface thermal imager, thermal imaging device belongs to a new generation, in the performance is much better than scanning thermal imager, has gradually replaced the scanning thermal imager trend . The key technology is the detector consists of a monolithic integrated ( MCU )circuits, the entire field of vision test objectives are focused on it, and the image clearer, easier to use, the instrument is very compact and lightweight, and has auto-focus image freeze, continuous zoom, point temperature, line temperature, and other moderate voice annotation image and other functions, the instrument uses a PC card, the storage capacity of up to 500 images.