Application Notes———-infrared light-emitting(IR LED)

Application of infrared light emitting diode(IR LED) should pay attention to matters: infrared light-emitting diode should be kept clean, good condition, especially in the front part of its spherical launch both can not exist like dirty dirt contaminants, but not damaged by friction, otherwise, the infrared light emitted from the tube core will produce a reflection and scattering phenomenon, affect the infrared communication directly.

Tools / materials

Infrared light-emitting diodes

Step / methods

1 Infrared light-emitting diodes must not exceed the limits of the parameters in the course of their work, and therefore the selection should be noted that when the substitution model and parameters of the original IR LED, can not easily replace. Further, can not be change of infrared light-emitting diode current limiting resistor.

2 Because of the range of infrared wavelengths very wide, so the infrared light-emitting diodes and infrared receiver diode must be paired, otherwise it will affect the sensitivity of the remote control, and even cause loss of control. Therefore, must be attention to the emission wavelength infrared signal parameters when substitution selection.

3 infrared LED packaging materials with Lower hardness and its high temperature performance is worse, to avoid damage to joints should be welding temperature is not too high, not too long time more, preferably with metal tweezers sandwiching the root pin, to dispose of heat.     END
Precautions The sensitivity of infrared emission diode luminous power and a photosensitive device for packaging and angular distribution, note the use of the installation point adjustment, the replacement should be adjusted accordingly. Note that the polarity of the IR LED, the IR LED don’t be closer to the heating elements.