Application The address stage(led pixel) and DMX512 LED protocol

Application The address stage(led pixel) and DMX512 LED protocol
The DMX512 protocol is a lighting equipment online data transmission

Standards issued in 1990 by America Association (USITT)
it’s is a high performance protocol, the dmx controller with DMX512 LED protocol.They wanted to include all aspects and characteristics, data protocol, data format content The electrical characteristics of DMX512 are Fully compatible with the RS-485 , including the selection of driver/receiver, electrical circuit ‘ load and multi station configuration…looked at all Aspects of the requirements are consistent.DMX512 data protocol specified using the band rate of 250Kbs (Send a bit data are required to use 4ms),Before the normal data transmission sent a Reset signal and to declare the data transmission is start. First frames data known as the initial code Which contains the head code end code and equipment type code (to show clearly receive the Equipment specified in subsequent).

Finally according to the equipment number sequence sent to data package, each device is a follow:
1# frame data,
2#frame dat, until finally data package of equipment is send out.
The equipment number up to 512(There are reasons call DMX512),the data interval of frame
is high, the length of not more than 1 second. The provisions of the DMX512 data format, the
frame data length is 11 bits. According to the transfer order Description as following:
String 1 bit      - start bit low level(SPACE);

String 8~9 bit    - bits of data,from the lowest to the highest order(LSB to MSB),high level;

String 10~11 bit  – stop bits,high level(MARK);

String 8 parity bit – do not send  Generally speaking with RS-232 interface chip can be achieved.The combination of multiple DMX512 modules together to form a decorative lighting system.Which can control the system. According to the need of a different color, brightness, display intervals. Thus realize the colorful and vivid effect.