ultraviolet light is the best treatment of various skin diseases

The easiest and most common method for The treatment of various skin diseases(with ultraviolet led strip) a wavelength of narrow-band ultraviolet 311nm (NB-UVB) has immune inhibition, can make the migration and proliferation of melanocytes from destruction. Provides a new effective therapeutic method for stubborn chronic skin disease, it is suitable for treating vitiligo, psoriasis Department of Dermatology, atopic dermatitis, eczema, pityriasis rosea, alopecia areata, Qin fungoides, neurodermatitis. Foreign method in the treatment of various skin diseases the most commonly used, with high strength, quick effect, good curative effect, less adverse reactions, wide indication. With ultraviolet light is Most common way for The treatment of various skin diseasesThe treatment of various skin diseases abroad most commonly used method, with high strength, quick, good efficacy, adverse reactions, broad indications. There are hand-held ultraviolet light therapy device (home-based, German Wolman production).

For patients with vitiligo individual symptoms and constitution is different, should pay attention to the choice of treatment, please ask the doctor to a regular hospital, then make a choice.