What are the purpose of the electronic products aging?

What are the purpose of the electronic products aging?
Aging (Burn in) is a kind of environmental stress screening. But now a lot of companies have to “aging” the meaning of the word expansion, aging on the equivalent of environmental stress screening, environmental stress screening commonly known as aging, we use the word “aging”.
In the process of electronic products, due to the complicated process and use of plenty material .will introduce various defects (ever get like thatgood the product design). Whether it is manufacturing defects or defects in components, can be divided into obvious defects and latent defects, obvious defects those defects cause the product does not work properly, such as short / open(circuit). products can be used temporarily ,these conditions(potential defects) existed. defects will soon be exposed in-use, the product can not work,
such as insufficient solder, although the product can be used, but a slight vibration may cause the short among solder joint. The obvious defects can be checked by ICT (In- Circuit Test which is a standard test method for testing the defects and poor components of the production.),
It mainly checks the single component and circuit network, and short-circuit condition, with the operation of simple, fast, accurate and fast fault location, FT, etc.. Potential defects are not found by routine inspection, but the use of aging to eliminate. In fact,the aging purpose—– there is a more important purpose (just like test): continually renew this processing technical with aging .perfecting the Product quality。