High power led module

High power led module 
High power infrared LED as a new type of green LED light source, energy saving, environmental protection, long life (server time), by the majority of customers to pursue. But the high powers infrared LED has problem that light decay have to face the problem. Uninterrupted decay, serious impact on the use of high-power infrared LED . At present,high-power infrared LED light decaymay be one of most important issue in led market. What causes a high-power infrared LED light decline?In Generally speaking, The light decay of high-power infrared LED has are two major factors:
* LED product itself quality problems:
1, the high-power infrared LED chip is not good, brightness decay faster.
2, the production process is flawed, high power infrared LED chip can not be good heat dissipation, resulting in LED chip temperature is too high, so that chip just looks attenuation.
*Two, the use of conditions:

1,The High power infrared LED need to drive with constant current,
there is a part of the high power infrared LED to use the voltage driving causes LED light decay.
2, the driving current is greater than the rated driving conditions(instead of the correct specifications). In fact, it was a lot of reasons to cause the light decay of LED products, the most critical problem is the heat dissipation, although many manufacturers do not particularly pay attention to cooling problems but long-term use of high-power infrared LED products.The radiating effect of the LED chip itself thermal resistance, silver glue, substrate, and colloidal gold and so on; yes. That‘s a light decay thing.