How to choose the voltage and current of the UV led strip

         How to choose the voltage and current of the UV led strip
It is important to first determine the total power PO when design of uv led strip, then to calculating the voltage U, current I. And then there is the most direct method: based on the actual printing process of the customer confirmation uv led strip power. Study on Free Electron ‘ s Move-speed by voltage differences .
We have analyzed various factors— current and voltage:

1, UV led operating voltage,
(1)determine the current
(2)then the calculation of the voltage from the formula P=UI.
A basic principle is big current and low voltage, because of the voltage is low compared to safety.

2, UV LED current density. Current density may have been adjusted to between 1.7 ~ 4A/cm,The reason is that the current density can not be too small, otherwise the UV output efficiency is low; the Second is the current should not be too large, otherwise the high heat loss and the circuit is not safe.