ultraviolet led encapsulation

ultraviolet led encapsulation

The encapsulation of ultraviolet led metal is import for uv led strip. there are has a variety kind for led encapsulation metal. such as:glass lens, epoxy resin and silicone resin.quarts glass having a relatively high softening point. the hot processing temperature as 1700~2000℃. from the technologic angle say—-the quarts glass are not good for uv encapsulation metal. the high temperature heat-resistance ability of epoxy resin is general. and it has less ultraiolet-resistance capacity.
Silicone is best choose for uv led ecapsulation.

LED malfunction

LED malfunction
In the led market and the continuous development in the run-in, step by step toward maturity. service time is one of the emphases for research.We also encountered these problems(light malfunction) during use. the so called” LED malfunction ” the meaning is –led isn’t working. for the reason we must study that light malfunction phenomenon. this might help led factor overcome light malfunction phenomenon. and improved led quality .now! through analysis and summarizing on the process of light malfunction as follows:

Welding line crack
When we meeting “LED malfunction”,now we think we know where we’re going. first we should know that it’s short circuit or open circuit?. if there are open circuit. this is typically  characterised by open circuit(In the inner control loop is crack). this is familiar reason for led malfunction. the most common 5 locate for led malfunction—please see follows pic A、B、C、D、E
LED malfunction

Why should we will do my best to protect led ?

Why should we will do my best to protect led ?

Because of it is species advantage ,led is playing an important role in more and more area. we know that led (Light Emitting Diode) is kind of solid Semiconductor. led might able to make electricity energy to light energy. led belong to device of voltage sensitive. led service time is so long when led is used in a right way. the follows note ismore than anything,

Protects led from damage of electromagnetic wave and static;electrostatic hazard to led equipment in led labs is one of the malfunctions most difficult to eliminate. we should be recognized to prevent static damage to led during assembly work.

The led factory setup can be max in 20mA,the growth of the voltage becomes slower with current increase

shoddy phenomenon

shoddy phenomenon

In led market may led factory cut his rates to drive out rivals .there inevitably are lots of problems, especial on the led quality . If the price is too low will led in shoddy, shoddy work to reduce costs, who do lose money trading it?
Anyway ,example for you —– small size led posing as big size. please see pic as follows.
shoddy led
from what we saw, we gathered ( that) led module on right side is big thanled module on left size. in fact we are really taken for a ride, the led module on right side added more phosphor(please see yellow area) to deceive led user.as a matter of fact, it is just an small size led module.


Why does led lamp not close properly?

Why does led lamp not close properly?

With a slightly light after close led lamp, why does led lamp not close properly? the mainly reason is the electrification of zero line. that does happened very often. the problem from installer. they didn’t operated according to the correct operation rules. they didn’t put the live into electrical plugs (electrical plugs have one live wire , one neutral wire and one earthe wire),and control switch with neutral wire.   although the switch is off, But live wire still have a little current is flowing. that make that the led lamp has a slightly light. solution: adjust the electricity wire position and direction for the best status of control.

correct install-- led wire

If led lamp is a slightly light, call a repairman immediately. then you  would like to tell me what happened

a Great Epoch of led Wafer

a Great Epoch of led Wafer

The big era of led wafer has come.
For respond to market require and shifts, the led maker has been promotion of wafer production line(from 2 inch,3 inch,4inch to 6inch) , other led manufactory has now taken on an even bigger challenge.( start initial layout of 12inch,wafer production line). anyway we are except that increase of led wafer yields and improvement of led cost structure. the breakthrough marked the beginning of a new era.

AC LED application principle

requiring the AC (Alternating Current), whether in home、schools or other place . AC of the very important system in our live .  now the led even quotes Alternating Current.
The work currently is moving toward a certainty direction, when turn-on forware voltage increase. toward currently by making led work. the work currently is flowing the other way when turn-on reverse voltage increase. and you will see them on the other side of the led to generate light.

AC led principle

control led by PWM module

control led by PWM module

We are know that PWM(pulse width modulations) is normal technology for control led . but there are has some body is not clear which work principle . All right, we want to do one more at simple PWM example here.

We are put the a second divided into pieces of one thousand . a pieces of work time is one millisecond . then we will make that led lit one for 7 millisecond and lit off for 3 millisecond through led controller . in this sense, the led only work for 0.7 second in one second . due to there was a faster interval for state transition, so our eyes can not found led flash.all we saw was about the light is rather dim.

Through this way , we can be control led bright.

LED wafer

LED wafer

The led wafer is key core of led. in fact, the wavelength , bright , input forward voltage of led depends on led wafer.led production process is performed under led wafer. so wafer technology is import for led.

what is led wafer? Now that we had a brief overview of wafer , raw material of water is silicon. water is silicon wafer that it have been used for silicon semiconductor integrated circuit. this wafer shape was regular circle. a single piece of semiconductor material that has been cut from a slice by scribing and breaking. a wafer can be made into a variety of specifications for the electricity circuit (include led module).

Research of relationship between phosphors and white light led

Research of relationship between phosphors and white light led

The influences of white light LED packaging process on its performance are discussed in previous chapter. in here we will continuous of discussed other way—converted to white light with phosphors. Before that, we could have been review principle that the ultraviolet light strip is then converted to white light by phosphors on the surface.

Then The three other color match were: blue led + yellow phosphors
blue led + crimson phosphors and green phosphors
uv led + RGB phosphors