Consume power of led strip

Consume power of led strip
today we are go to discus about consume power of led strip. how many power did led strip spend on this?
A couple of points to mention here is that * led strip use electricity.
* Use different type of led module will generated different consume power. focusing on a kind of familiar led module, for example: the consumption electricity as 20 mw each led module. so the consumption electricity as 6W.

The brightness of led display

The brightness of led display
The led display in development of increasingly improved continuously With the appearance of the led. at moment, led display needs a certain standard(brightness) during the day.

the brightness of led display for outdoor use should ideally be 8000mcd/㎡
the brightness of led display for indoor use should ideally be 2000mcd/㎡

the Infrared & Ultraviolet of some parameters

the Infrared & Ultraviolet of some parameters


frequency range in normal status: 10^12–3.9*10^14 Hz
wavelength range in vacuum: 3*/10^-1—7.7*10^-7 m
Vision light:

frequency range in normal status: 3.9*10^14–7.5*10^14 Hz
wavelength in vacuum: 7.7*10^-7—4*10^-7 m

frequency range in normal status: 7.5*10^14—5*10^16 Hz
wavelength in vacuum: 4*10^-7—6*10^-9 m
The list can also be sorted by frequency range between there tree
Infrared < Vision light< Ultraviolet(the sort data are appropriate for uv led strip )
The list can also be sorted by wavelength range between there tree
Infrared > Vision light> Ultraviolet

The reason for this is that affects led light

The reason for this is that affects led light

*The Material Factor to Affects LED light Quality. light attenuation rapidly.

*The junction temperature of LED has directly influence LED light output efficiency,

*The wrong drive way:LED needs constant-current drive, if you are assuming an incorrect drive way, the led light attenuation rapidly.

Intelligent controller

Intelligent controller
Intelligent light controller based on intelligent technology and led light system . the intelligent controller was used for led light system is useful method to be production. control method has many advantages, so its application is more and more widely in the light control. when intelligent controller and led system have tried out a period of cooperation come to know each other better.
for example: intelligent controller was used for tunnel light. intelligent controller can controls led power base on different period of time and different traffic density. so the intelligent led light controller are not only satisfy the application request , but also has effect of save energy.

led rgb

led rgb
The RGB made up of colorful led world! all people feel fantastic about LED wonderful world. RGB led are arguably lit device since fluorescent lamp.
RGB is an color stand in industrial world, RGB can produce varied type of color through three color(RED,BLUE,GREEN) which will overlap with each other to produce the effect. It contains nearly all of the color that human can be certain of all color,RGB is one of the the most widely used in colour system.

The higher the led currently whether led has more higher lumens?

the higher the led currently whether led has more higher lumens?

the higher of led lumens when the led current increases. but the increase value has not grown exponentially. other words —- the relationship between the led current and led lumens were exponential relationship. that means the led current has almost doubled, led will not allow lumens to be doubled increased. at moment the lumens keep it a little add more

Led of mount package

Led of mount package
With the rapid development of surface mount technology, new packaging technologies arise continually. there are have tow kind of mount package is also import for led production. they are in-line package and SMD package respectively .

In-line package : in-line package is like bug it had a pair of feet. in-line package can be installed in the PCB Via.
Smd package: smd was miniaturization of product needs. they are physically small. it doesn’t need via at producing .

Understanding led wafer

lit theory of led diode

(a)    p-n junction under zero bias

led diode theroy

(b) p-n junction under forward bias
led diode theroy1

The relationship between wave length and electricity voltage

h= Planck constant=4.13*10-15eV·s
c= light speed = 2.998*108m/s
λ= wave length

substrate energy gap

Material of substrate  Energy gap Wave length
  GaP   2.24eV 550nm
  AIAs   2.09eV 590nm
  GaAs   1.42eV 870nm
  InP   1.33eV 930nm
  AIGaAs 1.42 ~ 1.61eV 770-870nm
  AIGaInP   1.9~2.2eV 620~580nm
  GaN   3.0~3.6eV 380~550nm
  SiC   3.2`~3.8eV 380~550nm


   Year   Material Wave Length  Light Efficiency
    1960’S GaAsP 650nm 0.1lm/W
1970’S InGaAs 610nm 1lm/W
    1980’S    AIGaAs 630nm 10lm/W
1990’S AIInGaP 630nm 100lm/W


InGaN 380nm 50lm/W



 led beam angle

led beam angle
The relationship between the angle and the light intensity is analyzed.First the lens angle is determined that angle of led beam. simply add the corresponding angle lens in echo led. then we can lock led beam angle . there are has a lot kind of lens from different angle. such as: 8°、15°、25°、45°、60°、90°、120°,it can be classified into three categories to help identify see led beam angle more clearly base on beam angle.
narrow beam: <20°;
middle beam: 20°~40°;
weight beam: >40°。